Finding the perfect banquette seat cushion can be costly & time consuming, particularly if you have 3 young children who will be using them as their napkins. We had a custom bench built in our breakfast nook shortly after we moved into our home. It's been so handy to have for fitting many kids at the table when we are entertaining. It even has a hinge built into one section for storing the kids back packs, but that's another blog post!
Over the years, the cushions have worn out pretty quickly. They got pinched in the lid regularly and soon had some holes. They functioned, but were never meant to be permanent. So one rainy weekend, I decided the cushions needed replaced, but I was impatient and did not want to order custom, costly cushions.
I wanted a material that could easily be washed, but offered a bit of cushion while you sit. I headed to my basement o' goodies (aka the room where I store all the old items I swear I'll use again someday) to find a possible DIY solution for cushions. That's when I came across my stack of old Flor tiles from our last home.
These were the perfect solution! The rubber on the bottom grips nicely to wear we didn't even need to secure them down, except for the storage portion of the bench that opens. I picked out the green ones as they added just the right pop of color I wanted. My husband helped me trim them down to fit using a utility knife, and we headed to Home Depot to buy some upholstery tacks, for the hinge portion.
They've now been lovingly sat on for the better part of this year, and have been a great choice as a cover for our banquet seat. There aren't many instructions or tools needed, it's super simple and easy!
Tools needed:
Utility knife
Upholstery tacks
8 Flor tiles (covered 8' x 6' bench)